The PLENTI Project exists to bring mutual benefit to local disadvantaged groups
and visitors.
We invite expressions of interest in this PLENTI Project. We are looking for people who may be retired or heading towards retirement, or any who otherwise have a little more time on their hands, who might like to spend at least a month in India in the winter months, partly just enjoying the place, but also having a rewarding time engaging with a family of charities and the people they serve, who are disadvantaged communities in the beautiful Nilgiri Hills in South India.
The Nilgiri Hills are part of the long stretch of one of India's oldest mountain ranges, and one of the world's greatest biodiversity hotspots - the Western Ghats. The PLENTI project is located on the Tamil Nadu/Kerala border.
The people with whom we connect face powerful social challenges common to many comparable first nation communities in rapidly changing times, including in areas of health, education, employment, household income and housing. Working with them on these issues are a group of charitable community organisations which include:
A purpose-built teaching hospital; a primary school providing a high standard of education about, and respectful of, community tradition; the original charity set up thirty years ago out of which sprang the health and education activities, which works with the communities over their social welfare and culture preservation and celebration. It employs a team of approximately 60 community representatives whom it has trained to work in their villages on health, welfare and other issues. There is also an enterprise support organisation which not only helps its member achieve fair prices for their products, including honey, coffee, tea, pepper and other non-timber forest products, but helps to nurture and support new community-led livelihood ventures, often in partnership with other organisations.
The PLENTI Project is an independent social enterprise making the connection with the local community organisations and running the guest house owned by the community. Visitors gain from engagement with community and contribute through their stays as all profits are donated to the community organisations. The seven years of the project’s existence has brought value, learning and a huge amount of enjoyment, on all sides.
Amongst the many benefits of The PLENTI Project social enterprise are the following:
The stay will provide a rewarding experience for visitors and organisations alike
The community organisations benefit from the donation of the guest house profits
Employment will be created for local people
The community have gained a valuable asset of land and property
The PLENTI Project, and stays of visitors at the PLENTI guesthouse, adhere to the principles of Responsible Travel supporting local communities and nature. This support benefits the indigenous Adivasi people of this valley in the Nilgiri Hills, their home for tens of thousands of years, and are designed in collaboration with their own community organisations. The guesthouse employs and trains Adivasi youth and all the Project’s profit is donated to the Adivasi community, who are the owners of the guesthouse.